This year, we were grateful to host our first, in-person Honors College graduation event since the pandemic. While many were able to attend, we wanted to publicly honor all of our outstanding students who are graduating from IUPUI with honors. You have shown nothing but excellence and perseverance throughout your time in the Honors College, and we are proud of you for reaching such an amazing milestone! Congratulations, graduates!
Pawas Aggarwal
Zahra Al Zara
Aiysha Amjad
Julie Amstutz
Rohan Angadi
Yosef Arab
David Arvidson
Iqra Asad
Celia Atherton
Yuritzi Avila-Robledo
Dana Awad
Gillian Back
Matthew Baker
Juliana Ball
Courtney Barker
Hanisha Battina
Robert Bettis
Amal Bhaskaran
Hannah Blake
Tanner Blankenship
Renea Blevins
Nathan Bolin
Fernando Borges-Chavez
Brett Bowersock
Dennis Brown
Katelyn Brown
Madison Brown
Taylor Brown
Nathan Bryan
Elizabeth Bueckers
Gavin Burns
Joseph Bustamante
Carly Butz
Jessica Cantin
Manuel Carcamo
Chris Cardoza
Lauren Carpenter
Rishi Chandran
Audrey Margaret Cheshire
Mason Christie
Vardhan Chulani
Julia Cilleruelo Fernandez del Moral
Perry Collier
Owen Combs
William Comer
Madeline Compton
Robert Covert
Catherine Cox
Ana Danner
Jacob Darney
Anne Davey
Ava Davidson
Isaac Demaree
Pratik Devnani
Ethan Diedel
Rachel Doyle
Marko Dragisic
Caroline Dunbar
Aryn Eash
Sabrina Elder
Courtney Elkins
Katlyn Elliott-Rodriguez
Ezzeldeen Elsayed
Katelyn Endris
Jaismeen Fahqra
Katelyn Fair
Cody Fenimore
Brendan Forester
Samuel Freeman
Abigail Freestone
Jacob Fulkerson
Katherine Fulton
Barclay Funkhouser
Karunya Gade
Kennedy Gardner
Michelle Gassert
Oliver Gehres
Brendon Glass
Corey Goede
Maggie Granatir
Andrew Granfield
Alexandra Gregory
Lauryn Groce
Addyson Hahn
Amir Hailat
Grace Hamilton
Nicklaus Hanas
Zoe Hanquier
Lauren Harless
Ian Harmon
Jannah Hassan
Matthew Hawkins
Rebeca Hayes
Anna Heilers
Braden Herendeen
Brianna Heron
Evan Hicks
Raneem Hijazi
Cortney Holder
Zoey Hunsinger
Courtney Hutslar
Simon Ipsen
Luke Jackson
Rebekah Jackson
Sophia Jaegly
Shubhankar Jape
Rhiannon Johns
David Johnson
Mitchel Johnston
Kayleigh Jones
Rylane Jones
Noelle Kane
Japneet Kaur
Sharanpreet Kaur
Sukhdeep Kaur
Allison Keiser
Kylin Kempson
Annabelle Ketchem
Mohammad Khan
Luke Kieper
Drew Kobold
Dawson Koesters
Abigail Koster
Satyajit Kulkarni
Jeremiah Lakstins
Zola Lamothe
Mackenzi Lawson
Nathaniel Lazorchak
Sierra Lee
Logan Lew
Jonathon Lewis
Sarah Lounsbury
Suzanne Lyons
Lily Malcomb
Kyle Maloney
Gary Mann
Christine Manring
Erika Mansfield
Biliana-Maria Marcheva
Megan Masi
Alyssa Mathis
Bryan McClain
Aaliyah McGowan
Emily McGraw
Logan Mears
Paulina Medina Lopez
Leo Milletary
Steven Mills
Halie Minard
Noah Miskimen
Alexzander Mohr
Chelsea Moore
Clemette Morris
Lillian Mullis
Prabhnoor Nagra
Kamala Nair
Murad Nazzal
Shushan Negash
Julia Newbold
Emily Nordhoff
Walker Nurrenbern
Chika Nwachukwu
Alicia Nygra
Ibrahim Omar
Amber Pagan
Ayesha Pandey
Kelsey Pardieck
Reginald Parker
Jacob Parmenter
Janvi Patel
Rut Patel
Amanda Pease
Morgan Perry
Nathan Peters
August Petrungaro
Sarah Phillips
Bradley Phipps
Valerie Pokorny
Mitchell Polaski
Faith Prochaska
Juna Qorlaze
Giannina Ramirez
Nitya Ranjan
Teehan Raymond
Jennifer Retzloff
Claire Richardson
Emma Richardson
Shelby Rollins
Grace Rosebrough
Justin Roush
Adam Saleh
Meghana Sankar
Kaitlyn Saxon
Hanna Schreiber
Emma Schwartz
Katelyn Scott
Dylan Sequeira
Alina Sheikh
Logan Shelmadine
Riley Shives
Jordan Shroyer
Matthew Skaar
Hannah Smeltzer
Andriana Smith
Jamie Smith
Macallister Smolik
Anna Snider
Verayna Spell
Maya Stirm
Lucas Strickler
Olivia Strobel
Josiah Suarez
Taylor Targgart
Kaela Taylor
Lauren Taylor
Savannah Tolliver
Tori Tretter
Albab Uddin
Olivia Vicory
James Walters
Jiayuan Wang
Janae Washington
Nathaniel Weaver
Mitchell Wildman
Kayla Wilkerson
Makayla Williams
Emma Willocks
Ashtin Wilson
Noah Wolfgang
Hannah Wolford
Emily Wright
Taylor Wright
Megan Wurth
Emma Yeary
Briana Youn
Lydia Young
Samuel Young
Shawn Young
Heather Ziegler
Top 100 students
Every year, the IUPUI Office of Alumni Relations honors 100 outstanding undergraduate students who demonstrate excellence in three areas: academic excellence, campus leadership, and community engagement. We are proud to say that this year, 66 of those students are Honors College scholars.
To be eligible, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and have completed at least 56 credit hours applicable to their degree program.
A big round of applause to our Top 100 Honors College scholars!

- Pawas Aggarwal
- Aiysha Amjad
- Iqra Asad
- Hanisha Battina
- Amal Bhaskaran
- Hannah Blake
- Katelyn Brown
- Elizabeth Bueckers
- Mason Christie
- Vardhan Chulani
- Julia Cilleruelo Fernandez del Moral
- Ana Danner
- Isaac Demaree
- Pratik Khushal Devnani
- Caroline Dunbar
- Jaismeen Fahqra
- Katelyn Fair
- Maggie Granatir
- Anna Heilers
- Shub Jape
- Allison Keiser
- Dawson Koesters
- Mackenzi Lawson
- Gary Mann
- Paulina Medina
- Verayna Newland
- Walker Nurrenbern
- Amber Pagan
- Ayesha Pandey
- Reggie Parker
- Mitchell Parrish
- Nate Peters
- Sarah Phillips
- Faith Prochaska
- Meghana Sankar
- Hanna Schreiber
- Taylor Targgart
- Ashtin Wilson
- Taylor Wright

2022 graduates in Top 10
An extra congratulations goes to those who were also recognized amongst IUPUI's Top 10 students:
- Aiysha Amjad
- Julia Cilleruelo Fernandez del Moral
- Ana Danner
- Allison Keiser
- Ayesha Pandey
What an amazing achievement—go Jags!
2022 graduation celebration photos

Click here to view more images from the graduation celebration, or visit our Facebook page!
An afternoon to remember
Even if you were unable to attend, or just want to look back, we've got you covered. View the recording of our 2022 graduation celebration livestream—as many times as you'd like!
You may also download the PowerPoint shown at the celebration by clicking the link below.
Description of the video:
N/AMessages from the Honors College staff
“As graduates of the IUPUI Honors College Class of 2022, you have demonstrated that you are optimally prepared to welcome and embrace change, continue to learn, and lead a rapidly changing world. It has been such an honor to share your college career with you, and we are proud to now call you alumni. You will always be part of our honors family. Keep in touch—and congratulations to you all!”
Dr. Kathy Marrs, Interim Executive Associate Dean
"I’m excited for you all as you embark on this next chapter in your life’s journey! It’s been such a privilege to work with you these last four years and to see you flourish in spite of the challenges with which you’ve been presented. I’ll miss seeing you around the Honors College—please keep in touch!"
Emily Clossin, Assistant Director